Thursday, September 3, 2009

Honestly, I do

- Mama?
- Yes pet?
- Sigh. Yes pet?
- What are you doing?
- Getting ready for bed. Now go to sleep
- But what are you doing?
- Getting ready for bed.
- Are you in your jammies?
- No, not yet.
- What are you doing?
- Sigh heavily. Never you mind.
- I’m going to the bathroom.
- Are you having a pee or a poo?
- Never you mind. It doesn’t matter.
- Is it a pee Mama or a poo?

Now, none of you, including Topher need to know this. But he is like a dog with a bone, so after debating with myself the evils of lying versus the evils of telling him the truth, I tell the truth. Suffice to say, you don’t really need to know.
- Now Mama? Right now you are?
- Well, no, unfortunately, not right now.
- When Mama?

Apparently, never again, or only once you have left home for university. Suffice to say during the last week we have had Topher into the children’s hospital twice, once for surgery and then back to emergency when he spent 3 hours clutching his side and telling us how it hurt inside. Upon arrival at the emergency room, he announced he was going to hop all the rest of the way and spent his time in triage catapulting over the filthy furniture. Needless to say, we called it a night shortly after. We’ve also gone through one antique chair, two toy school buses, one pair of size 4 boy jeans, and about 27 litres of milk.

I lovemyboysIlovemyboysIlovemyboysIlovemyboys. Really.


  1. So did he hold his BM for so long it got impacted and caused a rupture or something? Why surgery? I hope he's doing alright!

  2. Yes, thanks for asking. The boy had a hernia -no great drama, just an old fashioned hernia. What the pain was a few days later after the surgery is a mystery...but I suspect it was gas, combined with a 3-year old's desire to go back to the hospital to play with all the cool toys they had in the pre-operative day care centre.

    And if anyone ends up rupturing or exploding, it will be me. Privacy is not exactly readily available with two under the age of 4 and the omnipresent in-laws....

  3. Okay, I'm now realizing that I've been flooded with memories of you in the last few days, in dreams and in random mental pictures during the day.

    When you said we were in the same grade 9 academic class, I knew it was impossible that I would not remember you vividly. I remember EVERYONE who came and went from that school in my grade and in the lower and upper grades during my tenure there. There was not that much turnover, and it was a time of life for us all, I think, when things, events and people got deeply and indelibly imprinted in our minds. Initially, however, I could not call you to mind, because I did not have a last name. I just found it on your Google profile.

    Anyway, this is what I remember in addition to what I've written below: you were riotously funny. Understated and witty and far beyond the small and uptight mindset of the rest of your bunhead classmates. And you were behind us in ballet because you'd come to the school later than most, and Miss O. wanted to work on you. You were her pet project. Is it possible that you'd auditioned earlier with Pam, Julie and Lisa (from Ms. Sheetse's school), been accepted, and yet did not want to come because of attachments to family? Or maybe that was Alexa.

    And I also remember that you wisely kept out of the petty politics of the ballet school. I seem to recall that you and Pam Place were particularly friendly -- saw things eye to eye in some ways -- and while you weren't as friendly with Julie Adam, you were very admiring of her and refused to talk behind her back, unlike myself, who was very competitive with her. And you were someone who didn't sweat academics because a lot came naturally to you. I think you often tried to console me because I was such a perfectionist and often beat up on myself, unnecessarily of course :). But that was the school for you.

    Am I remembering correctly?

    At any rate, you say you just got on Facebook and are connecting with old high school folks. It is weird, isn't it? And I'll tell you, though I get a great surge of excitement saying hello to a face I haven't seen in 25 years, that's all there is to Facebook. It doesn't really connect you anymore than that, though there is that vague hope. But how can it? It isn't natural to have that many friends in one's life.

    So have you reconnected with any ballet school folk? I just e-mailed Pam and asked her if she remembers/stays in touch with you. Pam and I stay in touch, and I also stay in touch with Julie Emond, Liza Kovacs, Jennifer Habig and Vytas Vaitkus (maybe he was after your time). Less so with Rita, Suzanne Rubio, Katrina, Julie Adam and Lisa Prosper, though I suppose I have once or twice touched base with them.

    Our class is unique in that we have reunions every five years. Since you don't like groups of women, I won't suggest you join our next one, but you'd be welcome!

    I found your adorable baby buried in his yogurt on Facebook. You must have strong privacy settings as there is no option for befriending you or viewing your other friends (that evilly voyeuristic feature of Facebook). So I will leave you alone. And just follow your blog. :)
