Friday, June 12, 2009

Here I go....

The boys are both asleep, the husband is out with friends, the in-laws are safely tucked away in their basement suite, and I am taking a moment to renew an acquaintance with a long-ago friend - writing.

I have survived a week of career frustration, night battles over bedtime with a tenacious 3 year old, early pre-dawn mornings nursing a baby, meal preparation, laundry, grocery shopping, cuddling, reassuring, soothing, and fulfilling others. Now I need to find my own voice, my own pulse, my own skin.

Now where on earth did I put them?


  1. Welcome to the blogging world, Kate! I hope you find the space you've created as comforting and rewarding as I have found mine to be. I've had my site for about seven months. I can relate to your feeling of not being able to handle it all, and to the sense of bleakness you seem to feel. No answers from my end, though; the balance that eludes you also eludes me. I think it's important to write about the experience, though, if you have the urge to do so. Writing has helped me feel a little more in touch with myself as I go along . . . .

    Good luck, and I hope the wind is getting warmer in your neck of the woods!

  2. Eva,
    Thanks for the interest and the post. I will see how this goes. Balance may be over-rated, but this experience of being a twice-over mom, wife, daughter, daughter-in-law and "high-powered executive" is right now tough water to navigate, and I often find I am no longer sure who I am, who I was, or who I am becoming. And often times it seems other see me as falling short in one of these identities. I'm looking forward to seeing who I turn out to be.
